Welcome to Alongsight

Our unique offering combines niche expertise with practical experience. On this page you’ll find more about us.

  • We collaborate as domain experts to provide the most comprehensive service possible.

    Plus, unlike others, we do have operational experience as we have worked as in-house compliance managers and legal counsels.

    Want an example? When applying for an "Innovation Income Deduction" tax ruling, we can assess your R&D department's export control exposure.

    Want another example? As we review your trade flows to optimize global customs duty, we will report any transfer pricing consequences and assess risks against sanctions regulations.

    Still want more? When we set-up screening programs, we take not only sanctions into account but also future laws like Deforestation Regulation or the CS3D. Because we know as former in-house people that you only get one chance to do things right.

  • Yes. We are located in the heart of Europe and our network extends beyond the borders of Belgium. We have partnerships throughout Europe that enable us to assist you in every country where your company operates.

  • Yes. We offer outsourcing services.

    Our team consists of experts with past experience as in-house managers.

    This solution will not only help you solve temporary manpower shortages but also add value.

  • We get results, we are no-fluff, and we have experienced most of your problems, too. That is why we believe that problems can only be solved by working alongside people who have their sights on long-term results.

    All these things come together in Alongsight.

    Additionally, it is a reference to the Incoterm "Free Alongside Ship" as we aim to emphasize the global trade aspect of our company.

  • Send an e-mail to team@alongsight.com or any of our leaders.