• 1. Introduction

    Our firm is dedicated to ensuring compliance with privacy laws.

    This Privacy Policy should be read alongside the Cookie Policy, which is provided below.

    Alongsight BV governs all data processing activities described in this policy.

    We may periodically update this privacy policy to reflect new legal requirements. We recommend that you regularly review this policy to stay informed about how we handle your personal information.

    2. Data Processo

    Alongsight BV, located at Schuttersvest 75, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium, and registered under the company number 1004.380.362, serves as the data controller.

    For inquiries or to exercise your rights under this Privacy Policy, contact Alongsight BV’s Privacy Compliance Officer through:

    Alongsight BV

    Privacy Compliance Officer

    Schuttersvest 75, 2800 MechelenBELGIUM

    Telephone: +32 499 43 46 45

    Email: team@alongsight.com

    3. Data Processing

    The types of personal data we collect include:

    • Data voluntarily provided for advisory services or legal representation in a client-attorney relationship;

    • Contact details, such as name, position, addresses (home and business), phone numbers, fax number, and email;

    • Business-related information provided voluntarily or necessary in a project or client contractual relationship;

    • Job application information;

    • Employee performance data.

      Personal data is processed for purposes such as:

    • Fulfilling legal obligations (e.g., record-keeping, anti-money laundering, payroll);

    • Legal advice and litigation representation, including compliance and quality control;

    • Business relationship management, including payment processing, billing, and evaluation of suppliers;

    • Updates on legal developments, services, or events by Alongsight BV;

    • Job application assessments;

    • Employee evaluations and training.

      Personal data processing bases include:

    • Execution or preparation of a (potential) client contract;

    • Legal compliance;

    • Necessity for Alongsight BV's legitimate interests or third-party recipients, provided these don't override the data subject's interests or fundamental rights.

    4. Recipients

    Your personal data may be shared with:

    • Lawyers affiliated with Alongsight BV under confidentiality agreements for legal advice or quality control;

    • External lawyers, consultants, or experts under professional secrecy/confidentiality;

    • Foreign law firms for legal advice;

    • Courts, authorities, regulators, attorneys, or others when necessary for legal claims or confidential dispute resolution;

    • Data processors under processing agreements, including payroll services.

    Note: This list is illustrative, not exhaustive, and there may be other scenarios where we need to share your data to provide our services effectively.

    5. Storage Term

    Personal data is deleted when no longer needed for the purposes listed above or if not legally required or permitted for storage by Alongsight BV. Data is retained for legal claim defense or assertion until the end of the relevant period or settlement of the claims.

    Alongsight BV implements appropriate measures to protect personal data against unauthorized access or alteration. Our associates, including employees, consultants, and data processors, are required to maintain the confidentiality of such information.

    6. Other Websites

    Alongsight BV's website may include links to other companies’ or persons’ websites or social media platforms. We are not accountable for the processing of your personal data on these sites. It is recommended to review their privacy policies.

    7. Rights | Complaints

    Under privacy laws, data subjects have rights regarding data processing by Alongsight BV, including:

    • Access to stored personal data;

    • Correction or updating of personal data;

    • Erasure of personal data (“right to be forgotten”);

    • Restriction of personal data processing;

    • Transfer of personal data (“data portability”);

    • Withdrawal of consent for data processing;

    • Objection to data processing.

    Requests should be directed to Alongsight BV, Privacy Compliance Officer, by mail or email at team@alongsight.com, with identity proof. No fees for non-excessive or unfounded requests.

    Alongsight BV promises prompt and careful handling of requests and complaints. If unsatisfied, contact the Belgian privacy regulator:

    Data Protection Authority

    Drukpersstraat 35B – 1000 BRUSSEL

    Telephone: +32 2 274 48 00

    Email: commission@privacycommission.be


    This website uses cookies, which are small text files enhancing user experience on websites.

    Cookies are utilized for content personalization, social media interaction, and traffic analysis. Your usage information may be shared with social media, advertising, and analytics partners.

    By law, necessary cookies for website operation can be stored on your device. Your consent is required for other cookie types.

    Various cookies, including those from third-party services, are used on our site.

    You can modify or withdraw your cookie consent anytime via our website.

    For more details on our identity, contact methods, and personal data processing, see our Alongsight BV Privacy Policy.

  • 1. Introduction

    Our firm is dedicated to ensuring compliance with privacy laws.

    This Privacy Policy should be read alongside the Cookie Policy, which is provided below.

    Alongsight Legal BV governs all data processing activities described in this policy.

    We may periodically update this privacy policy to reflect new legal requirements. We recommend that you regularly review this policy to stay informed about how we handle your personal information.

    2. Data Processor

    Alongsight Legal BV, located at Sint-Hubertusdreef 40, 3090 Overijse, Belgium, and registered under the company number 1004.383.035, serves as the data controller.

    For inquiries or to exercise your rights under this Privacy Policy, contact Alongsight Legal BV’s Privacy Compliance Officer through:

    Alongsight Legal BVPrivacy Compliance OfficerSint-Hubertusdreef 40, B - 3090 OverijseBELGIUM

    Telephone: +32 476 25 29 06

    Email: privacy-legal@alongsight.com

    3. Data Processing

    The types of personal data we collect include:

    • Data voluntarily provided for advisory services or legal representation in a client-attorney relationship;

    • Contact details, such as name, position, addresses (home and business), phone numbers, fax number, and email;

    • Business-related information provided voluntarily or necessary in a project or client contractual relationship;

    • Job application information;

    • Employee performance data.

    Personal data is processed for purposes such as:

    • Fulfilling legal obligations (e.g., record-keeping, anti-money laundering, payroll);

    • Legal advice and litigation representation, including compliance and quality control;

    • Business relationship management, including payment processing, billing, and evaluation of suppliers;

    • Updates on legal developments, services, or events by Alongsight Legal BV;

    • Job application assessments;

    • Employee evaluations and training.

    Personal data processing bases include:

    • Execution or preparation of a (potential) client contract;

    • Legal compliance;

    Necessity for Alongsight Legal BV's legitimate interests or third-party recipients, provided these don't override the data subject's interests or fundamental rights.

    4. Recipients

    Your personal data may be shared with:

    • Lawyers affiliated with Alongsight Legal BV under confidentiality agreements for legal advice or quality control;

    • External lawyers, consultants, or experts under professional secrecy/confidentiality;

    • Foreign law firms for legal advice;

    • Courts, authorities, regulators, attorneys, or others when necessary for legal claims or confidential dispute resolution;

    • Data processors under processing agreements, including payroll services.

    Note: This list is illustrative, not exhaustive, and there may be other scenarios where we need to share your data to provide our services effectively.

    5. Storage Term

    Personal data is deleted when no longer needed for the purposes listed above or if not legally required or permitted for storage by Alongsight Legal BV. Data is retained for legal claim defense or assertion until the end of the relevant period or settlement of the claims.

    Alongsight Legal BV implements appropriate measures to protect personal data against unauthorized access or alteration. Our associates, including employees, consultants, and data processors, are required to maintain the confidentiality of such information.

    6. Other Websites

    Alongsight Legal BV's website may include links to other companies’ or persons’ websites or social media platforms. We are not accountable for the processing of your personal data on these sites. It is recommended to review their privacy policies.

    7. Rights | Complaints

    Under privacy laws, data subjects have rights regarding data processing by Alongsight Legal BV, including:

    • Access to stored personal data;

    • Correction or updating of personal data;

    • Erasure of personal data (“right to be forgotten”);

    • Restriction of personal data processing;

    • Transfer of personal data (“data portability”);

    • Withdrawal of consent for data processing;

    • Objection to data processing.

    Requests should be directed to Alongsight Legal BV, Privacy Compliance Officer, by mail or email at privacy-legal@alongsight.com, with identity proof. No fees for non-excessive or unfounded requests.

    Alongsight Legal BV promises prompt and careful handling of requests and complaints. If unsatisfied, contact the Belgian privacy regulator:

    Data Protection Authority

    Drukpersstraat 35B – 1000 BRUSSEL

    Telephone: +32 2 274 48 00

    Email: commission@privacycommission.be


    This website uses cookies, which are small text files enhancing user experience on websites.

    Cookies are utilized for content personalization, social media interaction, and traffic analysis. Your usage information may be shared with social media, advertising, and analytics partners.

    By law, necessary cookies for website operation can be stored on your device. Your consent is required for other cookie types.

    Various cookies, including those from third-party services, are used on our site.

    You can modify or withdraw your cookie consent anytime via our website.

    For more details on our identity, contact methods, and personal data processing, see our Alongsight Legal BV Privacy Policy.